Learn your team’s level of trust. Discover exactly where trust is high, moderate, low, or very low. See where trust stands along each Dimension of Trust: Trust of Character®, Trust of Communication®, and Trust of Capability®. Gain perspective on how your team’s level of trust relates to hundreds of other teams in our global database.
Learn the behaviours you practice with one another that build the highest trust. See your untapped strengths, and learn how to leverage those strengths to optimize teamwork and collaboration. (In our experience, people get excited when they see what makes their team strong and unique.)
Pinpoint which behaviours may be unintentionally eroding trust in your team. Get an honest picture of where you need to pay attention to how you’re behaving with one another. In a safe way, open the door for conversations that need to happen. Discover key behaviours that, if shifted, will be game changing for your team’s effectiveness.
Get the data, skills, and concrete action plan you need to address your team’s vulnerabilities, leverage your strengths, build trust, and take teamwork and collaboration to the next level.