Your trustworthiness is an asset you can’t be effective without. Through honest 360 feedback, learn the level of trust in your relationships. Discover exactly where trust is high, moderate, low, or very low along each Dimension of Trust: Trust of Character®, Trust of Communication®, and Trust of Capability®. Gain perspective on how your scores relate to thousands of other leaders in our global database.
Learn what you already have going for you – the behaviors you already practice to build relationships that produce results. Affirm your unique strengths and claim your talents and gifts. (In our experience, trust is built on a foundation of strength, not a chasm of deficit.)
Discover where you may be unintentionally off course – the behaviours that may be eroding trust, undermining your leadership effectiveness, and compromising results. Pinpoint key behaviours that, if shifted, will measurably strengthen your leadership impact.
Learn how to give people what they need to succeed. Get the data, skills, and concrete action plan you need to address your vulnerabilities, leverage your strengths, build trust, and foster a culture where people want to show up and want to produce.